
Museo del Tevere

school: University of Waterloo
type: undergraduate project // museum
location: rome, italy

The restoration, reuse, and reprogramming of historical architecture in Rome has been a common practice for over 2000years. The city, made up of numerous overlapping architectural movements and styles, exists as a dynamic and layered landscape in a perpetual state of change. The Museo del Tevere, Italian for The Museum of the Tiber, represents only a single stage within a grander evolution and motion of the city. By using and reprogramming the existing geometries of an old Roman Arsenale (shipyard building), the museum finds itself deeply rooted within the historical context of the site.This strong connection with the Arsenale acts as a catalyst for a modern intervention, allowing the museum to take part in the process of rejuvenation, reuse, and reprogramming that has been so essential for the growth of Rome.

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